The Beauty Bank : A kind and worthy cause
Details of The Beauty Bank: donations, contact information
I’m not usually one to get into the politics of charity recommendations but this particular charity struck a chord with me so I thought I’d forward on the info.
It was started by a brave woman named Jen Armstrong who was escaping domestic violence whilst pregnant with her second child. Moved by a donated package of baby goods that included a body wash for her, she came up with the idea to pay it forward to other struggling women and men. She said the toiletry made her feel worthy that someone thought she was special enough to deserve the luxury of that body wash.
Her story made me feel incredibly sad that that’s all it took to give her a lift; to build her confidence and worthiness. Her crushed self-esteem was indicative of an ongoing, abusive relationship.
Thinking about all the beauty and care products we buy, half of which probably end up at the back of our bathroom cabinets, I think this is a great idea. I’ve sent off a package and I thought I’d pass it on to anyone else who is moved by the idea.
They’re not fussy - as long as items are within date and sealed/unused. It doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy but obviously needs to be something you would consider giving to a friend (i.e. not a homebrand bar of soap!).
Details can be found at their Facebook page:
I am in no way affiliated to this charity just simply inspired by such bravery and kindness therefore keen to get the word out in support of The Beauty Bank.